Friday, May 10, 2013

Filet Mignon, anyone?

God will always match your level of hunger for Him.
Did He ever deny the hungry?
As the multitudes of hungry people grew, so did the miraculous to feed them.
So is the spiritual.
"The effectual FERVENT prayers of a RIGHTEOUS man achieves MUCH." Right?
So if you aren't hungry for more at all, that's what you will receive: nothing more.
But, think about how it feels to not be fed? You grow weak. It physically hurts. There is an overwhelming feeling that something is
missing and you must be filled. If you feel dried up, sick spiritually, stagnant... There's a reason. All it takes is for you to catch His eye with your hunger, and He's always watching. Always waiting. He delights in us... Imagine how He feels when we actually delight in Him...I know how much I delight in a big filet mignon, or some Hibachi and sushi. If I have all the tools to go get that meal, you better believe I am there! Ha! You have been offered some very awesome tools to go after God that way. He already paid the price... And you can make no mistake- if somebody was picking up my bill, I would be there with bells on!
But think about this:
For the hurting and the hungry, He never went begging and searching for them. He waited for those desperate enough to come looking as He passed through.
Remember, they had five little fish and two loaves of bread, but ALOT of hungry people and what did He do? Multiplied it to meet their hunger level.
If you say you're hungry, yet don't go after Him, He will not bother to come force feed you.
When I'm hungry, in the natural sense, my mind always conjures up a multitude of foods and sweets and edibles to be enjoyed. That's how we should be with God... So hungry that we just get lost in thought over the spiritual things. So hungry for more revelation.
You know, it is truly amazing how when you are on a certain level with God, you cannot see what the next level could hold. Your mind can't imagine. But, once you begin to GET HUNGRY, He puts desires for things you didn't realize inside you. Once those desires are planted inside your heart- by Him- He waits for you to pursue, intent to feed you at the right time.
Does anyone reap from their garden without work?
Does anyone eat at their dinner table without putting forth the effort to cook?
So it is with God. I'm not talking about EARNING anything. {{It's already yours.}} The key is saying, "God , you have something I want. That something is more of you. There is nothing I want unless it reveals more of who You are and feeds my soul more of your Spirit."
Then, starts a beautiful quest to seeking Him. Setting your sights on things above and going after them.
Prayer, worship, praise, obedience to His whispers and Word, decreasing so He will increase...and for me, going wherever the Spirit blows. Honestly, if I hear there's a fire... Anyone who knows me knows I'm headed straight into it. There is nothing wrong with visiting around and sampling what God is doing in his people. We are all one body- brothers and sisters, right? I have gained PRICELESS revelation and growth being touched by many different walks and lives. Hearing different testimonies, watching different forms of worship, new types of music, and getting introduced to beautiful lives that hunger...If you stay in a box- and God is NOT in box, my dears- you will never grow. Yuck... Stale bread doesn't taste very good and it begins to get rigid and moldy, eww. God forbid we get to that place!
Growth in our bodies requires food. As we grow older, our tastes mature. Are you still eating the same things you were years ago? If so, DO SOMETHING different! For goodness sake, God's Spirit ebbs and flows and it is Not and never will be contained in one set of walls. Now, hold onto your britches!! I'm not telling you jump ship and ditch your church, I'm saying get out and mingle in the body. There is such richness to be found in others' walks. Hear of someone who God has done amazing things in? Ask them about their prayer life and I guarantee it all started with a hunger for more...
Don't know where to start?
Talking to Him more. That simple. And Asking.
Be honest and say, "I don't even know what it means to have more of you. But, if you got it, I want it."
Prayers like that have changed my life.
Do you know He is more eager to give of Himself than we are to ask!?
He has GOOD GIFTS for His kids ;)
So, never forget to follow that Spirit that blows WHERE IT WISHES... And you will find exactly what you didn't even know to wish for!
Amazing depths and heights... A communication with the Creator that you could never imagine!
A walk with God that is truly authentic and real. Once you've had a taste of it, you can't quit. Just like sushi!! Haha! Just don't forget to give it away... Share what you receive with others and help get them fed! Don't be greedy!
So, today I pray your hunger grows and you do whatever it takes to "taste and see that the Lord is Good!"