Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Fall from Heaven- Keeping Lily excerpt

  Today is a good day! All praises to God!
  I am choosing to share a chapter from the book today because I am moving forward, God willing, in the publishing process! I hope to share this with you and get some feedback. This chapter moves me so much. I become overwhelmed with emotion every time I reread it. A little set up for this chapter:
  The beginnings of time. The main character, a nameless guardian angel known as a Keeper, has discovered her closest friend, Jericho, has chosen to take Lucifer's side in the Great Deception- where a third of the angels get thrown out of Heaven. The Keeper decides to take this information to the Throne and reveal it all to God. Before she is able, something major takes place. Please enjoy.....

As Imade my way back down the path I'd followed up the Great Hill, mysteps were slow and calculated. No time was left to be wasted beforeI delivered a message that would surely be the catalyst to a chain ofevents that would change the future forever. I knew this meant theend of my friendship with Jericho. I didn't know what my words wouldmean for him, what would be his outcome. But, I knew my silence wouldbe a transgression against truth. My allegiance to the Only One waswithout question, and no matter the cost. I was going to approach TheThrone with information that He deserved to know, although itcouldn't possibly have escaped His attention this long. I couldn'tfigure out why He had allowed things to escalate this far. All I knewwas that I was going to let the Father know where I stood. I wastaking no chances on getting caught on the wrong side of thisatrocity.

Mymind wandered as I walked. Everything inside of me was tangled inknots; all conversations I'd had with Jericho, the faces of the onesunder the trees, the stares of the leader when he'd heard myintentions to shed light on his business. I moved slowly so that Icould gather my thoughts, although my mind spun out of control like atornado. The ideas and questions I still had about the wholesituation seemed to confuse me to the point that I had no idea how Iwould even begin to explain this travesty when I arrived at mydestination.. My heart was absolutely broken that my best friend wasamong the ones who would surely suffer because of my next decisions.I wondered what kind of judgment faced them all. I wondered if Iwould ever see my friend again.

Irecall walking through our Home, coasting past numerous others likeme, and I wondered if they could sense something was terribly wrongjust by my passing . I wouldn't meet their glances, but I could feelthe peace they exuded bouncing from their presence like a springtimebreeze. Oh, the joy of being oblivious! I did my best to hold closeto me my thoughts and fears. I knew the information I housed wasweightier than any matter flowing through the city, and I knew myeyes would tell the story if given the chance. So, forward I marched,eyes pierced straight down to the golden street. My vision dartedfrom one perfect flower to the next. My thoughts pounding like a druminside my head, I barely could muster the strength to lift my feetoff the ground. The closer I became to my destination, the more myfeet seemed to want to carry me in reverse. I had never known fear.My whole existence since creation was one of complete and uttertranquility. Now, here I was: looking back over my shoulder,expecting one -or all of them- to overtake me and do what? The more Ibegan to imagine them coming for me, although I didn't quite knowwhat they could possibly do to me, the faster and more relieved Ibecame to tell the story. I knew who my Protector was and I knewwhere to find Him. At that moment, I decided to rush.

As mygait began to excel, I was almost stopped in my tracks at Jericho'sthoughts inside my own.

Areyou sure you want to do this?” He knew where I was headed. At thispoint, I tried in no way to conceal my mission from him. I opened mythoughts wide and let him see my intentions to reveal this treacheryto the One. Perhaps this would shake him awake from this terriblenightmare he was living. I hoped he would retreat in time.

Pleasehear me out. Do you really think I would do anything to put my friendor myself in danger?'

A fewmoments passed before I decided to respond.

DoI know you at all?!” I replied.

Whywould you say such a thing? Listen to me, I am only looking out foryou. There is something coming and you need to be prepared. You needto know where you stand, and you are going to need protection innumbers. Our leader wants to offer you a position of power. ”

I waslivid! “I know exactly whereI stand, Jericho...and I'm sorry to say that it is nowhere near youor that band of fools who dare to blaspheme Father! Stay far awayfrom me!,” I choked out in exasperation.

Myheart was aching with pain I had never imagined. This new reality, offear and confusion and deceit, was so overwhelming that I almostcouldn't stand it. I wanted to be nowhere but in my Master's arms. MyFather offered love and protection unmatched anywhere in this worldor any other. Regardless of any love I'd ever felt for Jericho, Iknew where I belonged. I was suddenly sure of that.

Atthat moment, I felt a wave of rushing doom swallow up my innerthoughts and I knew the current flowed from Jericho.

Wait,what's happening? How did you...,” were the last words I heard himsay before everything went dark.

Jericho'swords were cut off and I stopped suddenly, stunned and confused in aflash at the utter blackness that fell all around us. You mustunderstand, the Light had been removed from our Home for the veryfirst time since eternity began. Never had we experienced this. Gaspswere all around as we tried to figureout what could possibly be happening.Terror began to shower itself over us like rain, joined with utmostsorrow and hopelessness:the feeling of the absence of Him. The ground began to rumble andquiver. A furious wind began to blow. It blew so viciously, I andeveryone around me, were crushed to the ground. The Power of theSpirit was surging over us like the force of a freight train would feel to gnat on the rails. We struggled to lay prostrate to keepfrom blowing violently all around. Suddenly the brilliance shownforth like it had never been gone. I squeezed my eyes to see what wasat the foot of the Throne. I blinked wildly until the smoke from TheMaster's nostrils cleared the vicinity.

At the foot of the throne, many were joined together,yet they were not rising. I thought for a moment they were in deepprayer and reverence, until I saw the face of God Almighty bend downand meet them face to face. His countenance is usually so far abovethat we rarely see the Creator come down for such a close encounter.His face was so beautiful that a thousand stars couldn't hold acandle to the sparkling brilliance it beheld. All of Heaven gasped atthe sight. His eyes were blazing flames and His voice buckled theground, thundering judgments to the tiny creations at His beautifulfeet.

Oh my, is this what I think it is?! My eyes focused inon the giant multitude on the ground. There was one struggling in thefront to stand, but the power was too much for this stubbornblasphemer. I recognized the long limbs quivering as they fought todefy the breath of God storming on top of him. Directly behind him, aform I knew very well was held by the force onto the ground with hiseyes squeezed shut...Jericho, prostrate with a face that looked likeit would melt from the anguish displayed there. My eyes had not seenthe likes of that level of horror before nor since that horrendousday.

The archangels flew in circles around God and over thecrowd. They had swords larger than their bodies drawn and pointed tothe dreadful ones below. They had heavy chains in their hands, and Iwatched as they locked them up one by one, all the while, shouting ina harmonious chorus, “Holy Holy, Holy is the Lamb!” No one daredto fight back. No one dared to lift their eyes to God. Fear wastangible and it blanketed our world.

As quickly as it all began, the Lord spoke His royaldecrees concerning the Fallen and their atrocities. I am not atliberty to disclose to you the details. Some things must stay amystery, yet all will be laid bare on that great and awesome day ofthe Judgment. But I can tell you that what happened next will foreverhaunt me and everyone who witnessed it. The Lord, God, Almighty tookHis powerful hand and He swept them up into it. They looked like antson a stick, scrambling to hold on as He waved it through the air. Inoticed that it must have been a third of everyone I knew graspingonto His palm and fingers. He closed His tremendous fist and raisedit high above His crown. Their wailing could be heard so loudlyoutside and inside my senses that it was unbearable. Everyonewatching was paralyzed with fear of what would happen next. We wereso closely entangled spiritually that we felt every ounce of horrorpounding through them in those moments. Suddenly, the darkness fellagain, and the next thing I knew, a bolt of lightening, a loud bangfrom far below us. They were gone...and Heaven wept.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hi, guys! I've decided to share another little nibble of "The Book" today. :)
Keeping Lily, if you don't already know, is a story...or more so, a journey, alongside a guardian angel. The perspective you see is one of the spirit realm- an inside look into God's "Keepers" and the Beings they protect throughout their lifetimes on earth.
I'm including the introduction again, along with the first little chapter. They aren't long, but the emotion is thought-provoking and enticing enough to visit each scenario or memory and leave you feeling full. I think so anyway. :)
Well, it's not my story to tell. Honestly, I can't believe the words flowed out the way they did. I truly believe this was Spirit inspired. So, I hope it speaks to you and Enjoy!

Keeping Lily
  27,385: The number of days in an average human lifespan. It really doesn't seem like all that many, especially to someone such as myself. I've been around to see my fair share...of lifetimes, that is.

  I am a Keeper. Created to worship, forced to defend. I existed before the stars of the heavens and I will outlive each of them. My journey is an eternal one. My purpose is the same. Rarely do we choose to share ourselves so freely with you this side of the veil, but this story is a special one. It is one that carries truth and revelation. I have been allowed to shine this light, so to speak, and expose the common enemy we share for your own good. A battle is coming, and you must be aware of the forces you unknowingly face and are expected to fight, with weapons not of carnal origins. . Take heed my words and listen intently. Your very existence depends upon it. There isn't much time to waste. There are rumblings and shakings occurring, and the time approaches quickly. I don't know if you've noticed. I will reveal what I feel I must. My name isn't as important as what I do. So I shall leave it at that.. All glory Above.  Now, where was I? Oh, yes...
  Life. I watch as it's born, walk along the milestones beside it, all the while fighting the good fight. I watch them struggle. I watch them rejoice. I watch them fail. I watch them learn and grow. I watch them fade and transfer. I watch as they take their first steps into the restitution of all their days in an eternity unimaginable. Which eternity and what type of unimaginable ranges from glorious perfection to something completely and utterly opposite. I think you understand. There is so much that can happen between point A and B. The factors are numerous, and the twists and turns, sharp. The battle, fierce. The reward, everything. The fact that the ultimate conclusion rests heavily in my very hands is, what you might call, a maddening responsibility.  
  As the ages wind down and the Day approaches, this chapter in time is when the Father has chosen my story to be delivered. His timing is purposeful, even though you nor I comprehend every perfect detail that has been orchestrated by doing so. I shall reveal secrets, expose lies, and glorify the Glorious to the best of my capabilities. You will walk along next to me, as we travel not only distance, but time and through realms your conscious has yet to fathom. I was given this present assignment as a Keeper with the understanding that she would be my last. It was a request I made personally, and was graciously granted, in regards to the loss I’d encountered before...
The pressure of success looms overhead, blinking like a neon sign, a constant reminder that every breath is one (two...three...) closer to her final. Every inhalation filling her chest is like the sail of a ship traveling along a fantastic journey. Every exhale, like the winds, pushing her closer to that final destination. The finish line rushes towards us at an alarming pace. Even I don't know the final hour or day. That's part of the complexity of the challenge.
  So, it's a blink of an eye, and there you are. Round and round it goes...where and when it stops is anyone's guess.
Better make the most of it, kid.