Sunday, March 31, 2013

David's healing

This is an account of something God did in my life. I'd never experienced anything like it before that day. It is true...and God is amazing.

April 23, 2012

Dad told me last week that he had a friend dying of cancer. The man, Mr. David, had a son that had died a year ago from the same thing and he knew it was only a matter of days before he would die too. The doctors didn't give him long. The Holy Spirit quickened me and I told Dad to bring him to me bc the Lord was going to heal him, I just knew it! Dad texted me today (abt a week later) and said his friend was up at dad's shop and they were about to come back to our house. I began seeking the Holy Spirit and praying hard. 

   Dad walked up the stairs and said his friend was too weak to come upstairs.

As I walked downstairs, feeling the assurance and power of the Spirit, I held out my hand to shake his, introduced myself and told him God wanted to heal him.  I could tell he was nervous but I didn't care. I asked if I could pray for him and placed my hands on his chest. I spoke of the healing power of the blood, I rebuked the devil, I prayed in the Spirit, I encouraged him to believe and not listen to the lies of the enemy, I told him to go and sin no more, and I told him to lift his hands and thank God for the healing. He did, and then said, “We gotta go!” He looked sacred to death! 

 But, I knew God was in control! I walked upstairs and into my home and continued to pray with tears over this man. The Holy Spirit was SO strong!

Within 5 minutes or so, I got a phone call from Dad and 5 minutes after that the man called me personally from Dad's phone. This is his recount:

A week ago, the man sat under a tree ready to accept death. My dad's face popped up before his eyes. He came to visit dad and tell him of his condition. He promised to come back and see dad again to bring him a gift for all dad's kindness towards him. When he came back, Dad told him his daughter wanted to pray for him. They came back to my house and he was too weak to walk up the stairs.(and afraid, I'm sure) So, I came down to meet him. He said a voice told him not to let me lay my hands on him or pray for him. But he didn't budge because he knew who it was trying to stop it. (satan). When I laid my hands on him the first time, electricity shot down the left side of his body. He heard a noise like an electric fan whirling, and he looked all around trying to find where the sound was coming from. But, he realized it was coming from between us (I heard and felt nothing). I took my hands off of him and when I put them back on him, a cold electricity shot down his right side. His stomach began to churn and bubble. His shoulder had been hurting him and he couldn't hardly lift his arm because his shoulder hurt so badly. Dad heard him complain about it before they came. I had no idea, and asked him to lift his arms and thank Jesus for the healing...which he did. He then informed me that they had to go-( because he didn't know what he had just experienced and was a little freaked out.)

As they rode down the street towards the little gas station to get something to eat, he began to complain of feeling sick and his head hurting. His mouth tasted of copper. He went into the store by himself while dad waited in the car. As he was in the store, he had a vision of me continuing to pray for him after he left(which I was) and immediately his sense of smell, which was gone because of the chemo/radiation, was restored. He had bought something to eat and kept remarking how good it smelled, taking deep breaths, astonished.

He got back into the truck and told my dad about it. He said the nagging feeling in his stomach was gone and he could smell. His eyes, previously, had been bloodshot and cloudy. Dad noted that they were now clear and he had a glow about him. The man began to get excited, calling himself giddy and said he felt like he did before he ever had the cancer and felt really good! He was boxing in the air, saying look at me now! (Shoulder healed) He had dad drop him off at the park and said he felt like he could run around the whole thing. Dad said he was so excited to feel so good!  He said he had seen people healed but had never been so close to it himself. He said what he experienced this day was real.

About an hour and a half later, he came back to dad's shop with a friend and said he was feeling sick after he left the park so, he went and drank a Gatorade. Immediately following, he threw up a big black piece of what "looked like leather" that was about 9 inches long (he held his hands out to demonstrate the length and said he had to pull it out of his mouth). And now he feels better than he has in a year. He even came to my house and worked in my back yard to help a friend take my dad's old camper away. He was smiling and glowing and looked healthy as can be!

Update: The next week, he went to his doctor who confirmed the small cancers surrounding the large one were GONE and the big one was “like a dead planet. Nothing flowing to or from it.” He had to cancel hospice and swears he was healed of every ailment in his body in that one day!

Total healing, by the blood of Jesus :)

Praise GOD..Glory to God alone!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

But, what does it mean?

 A friend posed a question to be pondered the other day...a question to be taken seriously and weighted heavily in the mind of a believer, a question that should, in my opinion be in the back of your mind daily as you walk out this life with God. She said, "What does it actually mean to be lukewarm?" Anyone who reads the Word with any conviction whatsoever knows that Revelation 3:15-16 leaves us with a strong warning, saying, "I know your works, that you are neither cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth." Keep in mind, this is His church He's talking to. So, that means, not all are saved just because they are believers. Well, isn't that contrary to what the American church today is being taught, yet totally biblically accurate?
  We live in a society...and I'm going to get to answering that question shortly, I assure you...that says, "Believe and you are fine. Live like the world? No worries. No conviction in your life? No prob. You accepted Jesus, good for you! Nevermind the God of all creation has a judgement seat we will all stand before and decide if HE will accept US. Don't concern yourself with it- it doesnt apply to you." The rest of the gospel, the bulk of the word, the life to be lived that shows proof of a commitment is totally left out. Can you imagine the Apostle Paul going around trying to call himself a follower, yet doing exactly the things God taught us were sin??? What in the world is the difference between he and us? God is no respector of persons, yet for so many, they believe the word in its bulk doesn't really apply to them. Surely God didn't go through thousands of years of orchestration and shed blood to give you a few suggestions, my loves.
  So, this leads me to my answer to the question, what does it actually mean to be lukewarm?
My answer, and I believe this sums it up perfectly is: A people who will most definitely be vomitted
out of the mouth of God (doesn't that sound quite frightening?!) because they did not take the word of God- every single letter of instruction, as literal. Now, before I'm deemed a legalist, let's take into consideration the lengths God went through, and the many great folks who contributed to the Bible, to write exactly what God wanted you to know and activate in your life.
  Well, I'm going to add to my answer. How can you take the Word seriously when you don't even know it? Take time to read your Word! :)
For anyone taking on the decision to delve into the Word, my suggestion to you is to begin in the New Testament. Matthew is the first book. It begins with the story of Jesus' life. Mark, Luke, and John are to follow. They are known as the gospels and they all give an account of Jesus' time on earth up until His death and a little beyond into His time returning to Earth after His resurrection. Acts is the 5th book, one of my faves! It is the exciting story of the beginning of Jesus' church- the New Testament church- and how it moved and breathed. A great example to a modern church that no longer resembles it very much anymore, sadly. Which brings me back, once again to the question at hand. Where are the supernatural miracles that were a daily occurance in the beginning, to an on FIRE congregation of His people? Doesn't anyone ask themselves this question? No, it's because the modernists have convinced everyone we are wrong to expect those things. That we are somehow selfish and greedy, perhaps a little crazy to expect God to Testify Himself among us with signs and wonders...which is biblical, I assure you. The Word of God says He showed Himself among the Church that way. Is it any mystery that is was referred to as the Holy Ghost and FIRE? Perhaps, the fullness of His Spirit spurs His people to rise above the Lukewarm state...because it is a living breathing Fire of God inside you that doesn't sleep or rest or exist with complacency anywhere near it. The rest of the New Testament is applicable to today's Christian. All the way to Revelation. The Old Testament is a book to be read following the relevant writings to His new church. I never want to discount it, please understand, but there is life in the New Testament, Jesus' life, death, resurrection, example, and instruction to His people. Take a tip and start there!
  Lukewarm, I warn you, is a lack of conviction in a "believers" life. God is Holy, above all. That is what He made the angels to worship Him as. That is what the Bible says we should be being transformed into. Sin shouldn't feel ok. There's a feeling inside that is like sandpaper when sin is in your life. Don't get me wrong, we are all a work in progress, but the Spirit is alive and does NOT exist alongside sin comfortably. But a warning: greiving the Spirit, which means we press on past the conviction of sin and continiue in sin, causes that Voice to grow quieter and farther away when we don't heed it. Listen to that voice that says, this doesn't feel right, this doesn't add up and respond! Strength and a release of Power to overcome flow from that! ON to another great point:
  God is LOVE. In this "me" generation, selflessness abounds! When we become a part of God's family, we love what He loves. His children are suffering and dying lost everyday. Does this bother us? To our core? Also, I feel the need to add, Love is never rude, condemning, hurtful, or ugly. Love for people is kind and compassionate. It knows we all are in this together and only LOVE will change a heart. Is His heart our hearts? Are we sensitive enough to obey when we see a distressed brother or sister? Willing to reach out, in God's love even when we don't feel like it? The fiery love of God stirs the hearts of men!
  Lack of a real prayer life where God is adored, worshipped, and communicated with daily is lukewarm. How could you ever learn to decipher His voice or personality without seeking Him? How could you ever expect or even have the desire to grow without a relationship? If my hubby ever stopped talking to me, things would grow very cold and very fast. Is God to be any different? I got revelation not so very long ago that Jesus is a real person with real feelings. We get so caught up in thinking of Him as this great superanatural being, which He is also, but we forget He is a person that hurts, and feels, and longs for communion with His children. Can you imagine if noone you loved took quality time with you? Especially after you DIED for them? My goodness, that has got to hurt! He IS LOVE. So, can you see that our lack of adoration upon Him, total abandoned love and commitment, could break His heart? And, ultimately, cause Him to say, Even though you call me Lord, I never knew you...
  Gosh, that is the tip of the iceburg. But, here is my advice to you: Pray. Ask the Lord if there is any area in your life where there is lukewarmness, that He would ignite it. That He would consume you and burn out anything that is not Him. He's waiting on hearts hungry for the fire!  Praise God and BLESS you today!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

This Is War - Paul Washer

This video, well, what can I say about this video besides it is what the "Call of God" feels like. It is not fluffy, it is not heartwarming and snuggly, like walking with God is usually portrayed. It is gritty, it is real. You were purchased with Blood. How else should we respond to God's outreached, nail- scarred hand if we call ourselves Christians? There's absolutely no way the Spirit of God living inside can NOT be moved by this video! Its one of my faves, and I hope it stirs something inside you.
Am I crazy for beginning my blog with something like this? Crazy, no. Radical, a name I have absolutely come to adore? Yes! Might as well set the tone....

Why Blog?...

Well, it's easy. From the days that He came into my life, I knew I must repay this awesome Savior that shed His blood for could I not? He came down from heaven, grabbed ahold of me in a mighty way, plucked me from utter destruction (physically and eternally), and made me brand new. Since those days have turned into years, His Spirit grows, a fiery passion for His Kingdom. By His grace alone, I set myself on a mission to bang on the walls of heaven to be used by Him. When one takes that job of diligence seriously, intercession for the Kingdom, the King responds. If you were to open the Word to Jeremiah 5, you would see that the need to proclaim Him is like a fire shut up inside you... And it is not an exaggeration, I assure you. So, that need will be met in as many ways as I can come up with. If you had an itch, you would surely scratch. If you were filled with hunger, you would feed it. And this is my response to a growing need to fulfill His glory.
He is all that matters in the End. He is what it's all about, isn't He? We are the created, He is our Creator. We are blessed with spouses, children, family, and friends. But, perhaps (most certainly) we are given them to pursue our God alongside, to acheive the ultimate goal.  My babies and my hubby are dear to me, but my role is not to worship them. They belong to Him. My responsibility is to guide them in any way I can towards One who loves them even more than I. My walk on this earth, is it to collect glory for me, or collect souls for Him...The eternal Blessing?
We live in a "Me" world. It's all about Me. My life, my kids, my job, my accomplishments, my goals.
Our focus has been stolen. We are fooled into believing we were actually brought into this world to accumulate treasures instead of His inheritance. To lift up our names, instead of His? The Name that will last forever. To please and impress man instead of God. To assure that our children are happy instead of saved. To fulfill our dreams, and not God's will.
There's a very present enemy that has us buying into his illusion. Well, not all of us. I'm blessed enough to have been shown behind the curtain. And now, that's my hope for you. That I can pull back the mirage of the world and the lukewarm church that dominates our society... And bring the Fire.
Yep, I said it, and that's exactly what I plan to do.. Won't you come with me?