Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Keeping Lily Sneak Peek #2

Hi, guys! I've decided to share another little nibble of "The Book" today. :)
Keeping Lily, if you don't already know, is a story...more so, a journey alongside a guardian angel. The perspective you see is one of the spirit realm- an inside look into God's "Keepers" and the Beings they protect throughout their lifetimes on earth.
I'm including the introduction again, along with the first little chapter. They aren't long, but the emotion is thought-provoking and enticing enough to visit each scenario or memory and leave you feeling full. I think so anyway. :)
Well, it's not my story to tell. Honestly, I can't believe the words flowed out the way they did. I truly believe this was Spirit inspired. So, I hope it speaks to you and Enjoy!

 Keeping Lily
27,385: The number of days in an average human lifespan. It really doesn't seem like all that many, especially to someone such as myself. I've been around to see my fair share...of lifetimes, that is.

  I am a Keeper. Created to worship, forced to defend. I existed before the stars of the heavens and I will outlive each of them. My journey is an eternal one. My purpose is the same. Rarely do we choose to share ourselves so freely with you this side of the veil, but this story is a special one. It is one that carries truth and revelation. I have been allowed to shine this light, so to speak, and expose the common enemy we share for your own good. A battle is coming, and you must be aware of the forces you unknowingly face and are expected to fight, with weapons not of carnal origins. . Take heed my words and listen intently. Your very existence depends upon it. There isn't much time to waste. There are rumblings and shakings occurring, and the time approaches quickly. I don't know if you've noticed. I will reveal what I feel I must. My name isn't as important as what I do. So I shall leave it at that.. All glory Above.  Now, where was I? Oh, yes...
  Life. I watch as it's born, walk along the milestones beside it, all the while fighting the good fight. I watch them struggle. I watch them rejoice. I watch them fail. I watch them learn and grow. I watch them fade and transfer. I watch as they take their first steps into the restitution of all their days in an eternity unimaginable. Which eternity and what type of unimaginable ranges from glorious perfection to something completely and utterly opposite. I think you understand. There is so much that can happen between point A and B. The factors are numerous, and the twists and turns, sharp. The battle, fierce. The reward, everything. The fact that the ultimate conclusion rests heavily in my very hands is, what you might call, a maddening responsibility.  
  As the ages wind down and the Day approaches, this chapter in time is when the Father has chosen my story to be delivered. His timing is purposeful, even though you nor I comprehend every perfect detail that has been orchestrated by doing so. I shall reveal secrets, expose lies, and glorify the Glorious to the best of my capabilities. You will walk along next to me, as we travel not only distance, but time and through realms your conscious has yet to fathom. I was given this present assignment as a Keeper with the understanding that she would be my last. It was a request I made personally, and was graciously granted, in regards to the loss I’d encountered before...
The pressure of success looms overhead, blinking like a neon sign, a constant reminder that every breath is one (two...three...) closer to her final. Every inhalation filling her chest is like the sail of a ship traveling along a fantastic journey. Every exhale, like the winds, pushing her closer to that final destination. The finish line rushes towards us at an alarming pace. Even I don't know the final hour or day. That's part of the complexity of the challenge.
  So, it's a blink of an eye, and there you are. Round and round it goes...where and when it stops is anyone's guess. Better make the most of it, kid.

The Last Assignment
  I remember watching her descent from Above, and remarking at how brilliantly her light shone. As she was released from heaven's grasp, those surrounding me- waiting anxiously to follow their own through the keyhole of realities and down to earth- gasped at the beauty of her spirit. I had never witnessed another quite like it in all my time as a Keeper, and I supposed it must be rare for all the others to notice as well. This one would be special. I'd only heard of those that were chosen and the special way they glimmered with the Master's touch upon them. “Anointing” is the word best used to describe this special gleam cast upon it for a certain purpose in time. All were beautiful in their own ways, of course. But, this was magnificent as it shone with the sparkling glory that was washing all over it as it coursed down from His throne.  I felt myself beaming with anticipation. It had been generations since I'd felt that feeling. Perhaps this appointment, my last, remind you, would be my easiest. At least, that was my hope.
  I shudder to tell you that all do not make it safely back. Ultimately, the choice is theirs' to make, and even the mightiest Keeper can't control the will of a Being. Tossed amongst worldly delusions and let's not forget the consistent romancing of the Enemy every step of the way, it is a wonder any make it back Home at all. From the instant human eyes are opened to behold this world anew, until the very last moment they close for all eternity, the Darkness is present...on constant vigil alongside me and those like me. It is with them that the battle rages with furious fervency. They, fighting with hatred for all things created with a chance to gain entrance into a Presence they will never see again. We, fighting with the purest love of a Father, whose children are scattered and in desperate need of rescue from the grasp of the mouths of lions.
  The loss of a soul cuts to the core of a Keeper’s existence, and truthfully, time does not heal all wounds. Even the unwound-able feel this sort of pain. Feel it, perhaps, deeper and more physically than any human ever felt an emotion. The breaking of a heart, the loss of a loved one to disease or tragedy or war: emotions that reach to the very core. These manifestations of human despair do not even begin to match how this ultimate and final loss affects the heavenly host. Knowing we lost one of is an eternal loss that fleshly minds cannot ascertain. 
  A piece of me goes with them, a part of myself lost forever in the a lone grain of sand dropped to the bottom of the deep, dark blue. 
   This one would be different I told myself. She had to be: look at her light. The Spirit was all around her. Maybe that's why we were chosen for each other- an easy victory chosen to mend my very broken soul. Just the thought of it rekindled a song inside of me.
  But, things are never quite that easy outside of the Kingdom. The warring begins just outside of the gates. Darkness and shadow loom at every step, a battlefield of invisible authorities fighting over the rights to every precious soul.
  So, my battle begins. This will be my last and final chance to direct a soul into that safe harbor...a place where the spirit finds its home and the Light shines forever.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Heart

What would happen if the church danced for God for hours like we did when we went to the bars?
What if we were as willing to make a fool of ourselves for God as we did drunk on that dance floor?
What if we spent the time praying and reading about Him instead of glued to a television or computer or smartphone for that length of time each day?
What if we celebrated Him as much as we do our favorite bands or teams instead of being embarrassed to worship openly?
What if we took our concerns to Him instead of posting about them on Facebook?
What if we showed up to church expecting to spend as much time as He wanted in His presence until He fell on every person in the room instead of checking our watches?
Does the church today even know what that means?
What if we came with our intentions to pour our love out on HIM instead of seeing what He was going to feed us on Sunday?
What if the world began to see our churches as places of the miraculous instead of a glorified social club?
What if we began to fast and pray for TRUE revival like we have never experienced instead of always giving Him Our list of needs?
What if His needs were our needs?
What if the lame began to walk and cancer was cast out in an instant?
What if souls were saved with no chance of backsliding because His Spirit was given the freedom to do HIS work during our services?
What if the alters were flooded with tears and repentance?
What if people were raised up with boldness to preach the gospel instead of being collected on the pews?
What if we walked like Jesus?
What if we did greater works like He promised?
What if we began to question the condition of the church?
What if the Spiritual gifts were working in abundance instead of looked over because we are accustomed to walking without them?
What if we decided things weren't going to change unless someone does something differently?
What if we humbled ourselves and took part of the blame?
What if we took God at His word and dared to believe?
What if we decided to take our inheritance back by force?
What if a few decided they weren't going to rest until this all came to pass?
What if God was given His church back?
So many What Ifs, so many excuses, so many opportunities, so little time..
Be the change. God's looking for that few to make a stand. I'm ready, are you?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Letting go

One of the most difficult things to do in this life is Let Go. I can hardly think of a situation where letting go feels good. Letting go of a life, career, and dreams I thought were meant to be was the most difficult thing I have ever been through. Letting go of control and trying to change things I thought I could change. Letting go of people when it hurt but was inevitable. Letting go of old thought processes and beliefs. Letting go of what people thought about me. Letting go of what I think about others. Letting go of who I thought I was, even. Letting go when someone hurt me. That always stings, but letting go is the first step in healing and freedom. Letting go of trying to impress, and learning to love what God has for me whatever that is. Letting go, there are so many numerous situations. Letting go, it even sounds sad. But, I've come to
learn that letting go means growth. When I can't "let go" it means I'm holding onto something. If I hold onto one thing, I cannot have my hands free to grab ahold of what's new. I cannot receive what God has for me if my hands are full of the things which I cannot let go of. But, usually, when I can't let go of something, the truth of the matter is, I don't have it at all. It usually has me. Anything I cannot release, I am bound by. Thus, I become a slave to. Who is the master today in your life? What are the things God wants you to let go of, in TRUST, so He can renew your life His way?
Letting go means I give my circumstances to God. Letting go is beautiful. The first time a person decides to let go of themselves and give it to God, is usually difficult until one sees what beauty is waiting on the other side of that decision. Letting go is putting total trust and hope in the Only One who is worthy of it. So my prayer for you and myself today is that we just LET GO... And let God.
Plain and simple.
Many blessings and love to you today!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

One thing Always Remains

In this life, no matter what happens, I can never lose sight of one thing. No matter what trials come, no matter what twists and turns come my way, there's a never-ending call that I must always answer. The same goes for you all. Even when life demands your focus on things like: careers, bills, grades, friendships, etc, nothing changes the fact that God is calling us all to LIVE this life for Him. Every time I fail, I must get back up. Every time I falter, He's waiting for my response to His voice. There is a prize that deserves our utmost attention.
Don't let the enemy steal one more day! He would love to take every second he can to hold you captive.
Things sometimes happen that could knock me off course- believe me- but once I step back and regroup, one thing always remains: God's purpose. It's an eternal call, and present circumstances cannot outweigh "Him" in my life. What if He had allowed trouble or disappointments to stop Him from fulfilling His mission, even for a day, on this Earth? He knew torture and death were awaiting Him at the end of it all, never mind the daily persecution, and yet He loved us so much that He continued forward! What an awesome God we serve!
It's remembrance of this that reminds me why His purpose always outweighs mine. There was a mighty debt paid. There was blood shed. His children are perishing every second and it is a personal responsibility for ALL who call on the Name above all names to do their part to make a difference...and that requires focus. That requires devotion. That requires self denial when the pity party wants to move in on your life.
Make a decision today to love more, give more, pray more, be more, devote more to Him! No one will EVER be perfect- that's not what He is waiting on. He is waiting on you to take step after step after Him. God, Himself, is waiting with His big heart full of love for our decision to press into Him! He's rooting for you! Isn't it wonderful to know God is on your side?
Life hurts sometimes, but he's waiting to be our Help. Life is hard sometimes, but He's longing to be our Hope. There are a lot of us who have put God on the back burner for a season at some point in our lives, but Now is the time, today is your day! Put your eyes back where they belong: on the Mighty Creator that longs to hear His children cry Abba, Father!
His arms are so full of unconditional love and acceptance...
Ask Him today for the direction. Take some time to get alone and talk with Him. There's a refreshing that's awaiting you. He is closer than you think... And His peace and love will wash it all away. Take the time to get caught up in Him and allow God to kindle a new flame inside you.

Many blessings and prayers for every precious soul that reads this :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Timing is Everything

Ok, I admit it: I am one of the world's most impatient people. I am impatient, stubborn, aggravated, frustrated, and untrusting-- without God. Over time (the theme of this post), God has brought us-- verrrrrryyyyyyy ssssloowwwllllyyyyyyy-- into our purpose for Him. No matter how hard we have tried to convince Him we know best, it never quite changed things. Along the way, kicking and screaming couldn't move Him to hurry. Tears surely didn't budge His will. Begging and pleading, reasoning, promises... None of this changed the ever- steady hand of God from moving in His timing.
What we have to understand is that every single ounce of the plan belongs to the story. Without one tiny element, the path diverts to another outcome entirely. Time, position, people, circumstances must fall exactly where they belong for God's will to be complete.
Every minute of your day is a part of His orchestration. Every decision extends into a wake of purpose. Your life will touch a life because of where God has you. If one detail was amiss, the plan is foiled. That's why obedience is so very important. That's why relationship with Him is so important. If we aren't able to recognize that still, small voice- we aren't able to act according to His instruction. When God nudges, it's always for a reason. God isn't big on suggestions. Every time He spoke in His word, it is exactly what He meant.
So, learn to hear from Him. ASK Him to teach you how to walk according to His will. Let Him know you long to learn His voice so that you can carry out His heart's desires.
All those times I felt like God was this big bully, I realize now, were Him achieving His plan. I see aspects of my life, or even people for that matter, that would not have been in it had I gotten what I thought I needed at a certain time.
Those people and aspects are now valuable and beautiful to my story.
A story He's writing to mesh into His beautiful plan.
Just like a child that cries for something it cannot have, it is always because the parent sees the big picture. The child begs, wails, sheds tears, gets hurt... But someday they will understand. It will make perfect sense to Abrie that I didn't feed her whole pieces of meat while she was crying to be fed. Because while she was throwing a fit, I was tearing them down to small edible pieces that could be digested for her benefit. God is the same way. And I'm sure we seem like that pestering child behind him, asking over and over, "Now? How about Now? Now, Dad? Well, how about Now? I'm ready now. You ready, Dad? Now's great for me."
It all boils down to trust. Do we trust that His grace is sufficient? That every tiny step in the road leads to a giant stretch traveled and gets us to HIS destination. We will look back and say, Yes, He truly did know what He was doing. If God had given me things I begged for 2 months, 1 year, 3 years, 10 years ago, my life would be drastically different- and I wouldn't dare take now what I thought I needed then. Our God is a God of details, folks. We are like grains of sand, and Yet, our story matters to Him. Not only does it achieve His purpose, but He works things out for OUR personal good along the way.
He's so wonderful :)
So, yes, without God, I am impatient and untrusting. But, because of His amazing grace, I can see that there's a very full picture awaiting me and He gets to connect those dots. Just like those Connect the Dot pictures when we were children. 4 does not get to come before 3. We have to follow the sequence for the picture to make perfect sense. And so is our lives...
Praise God, the ultimate story teller and designer! Thank you God, for timing and teaching me what it is to wait!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Keeping Lilly Sneak Peak

About three years ago, The Lord gave me the first line to a book I've come to love. He has had me work on it, and put it down, until it was time to add to it again. Every time, I knew it was Him bc there was knowledge I hadn't had, wisdom I wouldn't have considered, had I written it outright.
So, I thought I would share a piece with you. I sent it off, along with prayers, today to some Christian publishers to see if it tugs on their hearts like it does mine...and hopefully yours too!
Thank you for taking a moment to read and saying a prayer that their hearts would be open to it.

It's the story told from the perspective of a guardian angel who is sworn to protect a special girl named Lilly. There's so much to the story. Traveling back to the beginning before Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, fighting against fallen angels who used to be friends, knowing a heavenly perspective that helps to explain why things happen the way they do when we can't quite understand. It's the first book of a series I'm still working on. This is just the Preface. Enjoy!


 27,385: The number of days in an average human lifespan. It really doesn't seem like all that many, especially to someone such as myself. I've been around to see my fair share...of lifetimes, that is. I watch as it's born, walk along the milestones beside it, all the while fighting the good fight. I watch them struggle. I watch them rejoice. I watch them fail. I watch them learn and grow. I watch them fade and transfer. I watch as they take their first steps into  the restitution of all their days in an eternity unimaginable. Which eternity and what type of unimaginable ranges from glorious perfection to something completely and utterly opposite. I'll leave it at that. There is so much that can happen between point A and B. The factors are numerous, and the twists and turns, sharp. The battle, fierce. The reward, everything. The fact that the ultimate conclusion rests heavily in my very hands is, what you might call, a maddening responsibility.  
I was given this assignment with the understanding that she would be my last. It was a request I made personally, and was graciously granted, in regards to the loss I’d encountered before...
The pressure of success looms overhead, blinking like a neon sign, a constant reminder that every breath is one (two...three...) closer to her final. Every inhalation filling her chest is like the sail of a ship traveling along a fantastic journey. Every exhale like the winds pushing her closer to that final destination. The finish line rushes towards us at an alarming pace. Even I don't know the final hour or day. That's part of the complexity of the challenge.
So, it's a blink of an eye, and there you are. Round and round it goes...where and when it stops is anyone's guess.
Better make the most of it, kid.