Monday, April 1, 2013

Keeping Lilly Sneak Peak

About three years ago, The Lord gave me the first line to a book I've come to love. He has had me work on it, and put it down, until it was time to add to it again. Every time, I knew it was Him bc there was knowledge I hadn't had, wisdom I wouldn't have considered, had I written it outright.
So, I thought I would share a piece with you. I sent it off, along with prayers, today to some Christian publishers to see if it tugs on their hearts like it does mine...and hopefully yours too!
Thank you for taking a moment to read and saying a prayer that their hearts would be open to it.

It's the story told from the perspective of a guardian angel who is sworn to protect a special girl named Lilly. There's so much to the story. Traveling back to the beginning before Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, fighting against fallen angels who used to be friends, knowing a heavenly perspective that helps to explain why things happen the way they do when we can't quite understand. It's the first book of a series I'm still working on. This is just the Preface. Enjoy!


 27,385: The number of days in an average human lifespan. It really doesn't seem like all that many, especially to someone such as myself. I've been around to see my fair share...of lifetimes, that is. I watch as it's born, walk along the milestones beside it, all the while fighting the good fight. I watch them struggle. I watch them rejoice. I watch them fail. I watch them learn and grow. I watch them fade and transfer. I watch as they take their first steps into  the restitution of all their days in an eternity unimaginable. Which eternity and what type of unimaginable ranges from glorious perfection to something completely and utterly opposite. I'll leave it at that. There is so much that can happen between point A and B. The factors are numerous, and the twists and turns, sharp. The battle, fierce. The reward, everything. The fact that the ultimate conclusion rests heavily in my very hands is, what you might call, a maddening responsibility.  
I was given this assignment with the understanding that she would be my last. It was a request I made personally, and was graciously granted, in regards to the loss I’d encountered before...
The pressure of success looms overhead, blinking like a neon sign, a constant reminder that every breath is one (two...three...) closer to her final. Every inhalation filling her chest is like the sail of a ship traveling along a fantastic journey. Every exhale like the winds pushing her closer to that final destination. The finish line rushes towards us at an alarming pace. Even I don't know the final hour or day. That's part of the complexity of the challenge.
So, it's a blink of an eye, and there you are. Round and round it goes...where and when it stops is anyone's guess.
Better make the most of it, kid.



  1. Absolutely wonderful! Hope to see more! It's wonderful to see God at work! :)

  2. Thank you so much for your encouragement! It means a lot!
    Thanks for taking time out as well to read!
