Monday, June 24, 2013

Hi, guys! I've decided to share another little nibble of "The Book" today. :)
Keeping Lily, if you don't already know, is a story...or more so, a journey, alongside a guardian angel. The perspective you see is one of the spirit realm- an inside look into God's "Keepers" and the Beings they protect throughout their lifetimes on earth.
I'm including the introduction again, along with the first little chapter. They aren't long, but the emotion is thought-provoking and enticing enough to visit each scenario or memory and leave you feeling full. I think so anyway. :)
Well, it's not my story to tell. Honestly, I can't believe the words flowed out the way they did. I truly believe this was Spirit inspired. So, I hope it speaks to you and Enjoy!

Keeping Lily
  27,385: The number of days in an average human lifespan. It really doesn't seem like all that many, especially to someone such as myself. I've been around to see my fair share...of lifetimes, that is.

  I am a Keeper. Created to worship, forced to defend. I existed before the stars of the heavens and I will outlive each of them. My journey is an eternal one. My purpose is the same. Rarely do we choose to share ourselves so freely with you this side of the veil, but this story is a special one. It is one that carries truth and revelation. I have been allowed to shine this light, so to speak, and expose the common enemy we share for your own good. A battle is coming, and you must be aware of the forces you unknowingly face and are expected to fight, with weapons not of carnal origins. . Take heed my words and listen intently. Your very existence depends upon it. There isn't much time to waste. There are rumblings and shakings occurring, and the time approaches quickly. I don't know if you've noticed. I will reveal what I feel I must. My name isn't as important as what I do. So I shall leave it at that.. All glory Above.  Now, where was I? Oh, yes...
  Life. I watch as it's born, walk along the milestones beside it, all the while fighting the good fight. I watch them struggle. I watch them rejoice. I watch them fail. I watch them learn and grow. I watch them fade and transfer. I watch as they take their first steps into the restitution of all their days in an eternity unimaginable. Which eternity and what type of unimaginable ranges from glorious perfection to something completely and utterly opposite. I think you understand. There is so much that can happen between point A and B. The factors are numerous, and the twists and turns, sharp. The battle, fierce. The reward, everything. The fact that the ultimate conclusion rests heavily in my very hands is, what you might call, a maddening responsibility.  
  As the ages wind down and the Day approaches, this chapter in time is when the Father has chosen my story to be delivered. His timing is purposeful, even though you nor I comprehend every perfect detail that has been orchestrated by doing so. I shall reveal secrets, expose lies, and glorify the Glorious to the best of my capabilities. You will walk along next to me, as we travel not only distance, but time and through realms your conscious has yet to fathom. I was given this present assignment as a Keeper with the understanding that she would be my last. It was a request I made personally, and was graciously granted, in regards to the loss I’d encountered before...
The pressure of success looms overhead, blinking like a neon sign, a constant reminder that every breath is one (two...three...) closer to her final. Every inhalation filling her chest is like the sail of a ship traveling along a fantastic journey. Every exhale, like the winds, pushing her closer to that final destination. The finish line rushes towards us at an alarming pace. Even I don't know the final hour or day. That's part of the complexity of the challenge.
  So, it's a blink of an eye, and there you are. Round and round it goes...where and when it stops is anyone's guess.
Better make the most of it, kid.

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